The Polar Project
From the Arctic to Antarctica: A Bears and No Bears Big Year
Birding the ends of the Earth
I’ve been fascinated with the Antarctic since I was a budding naturalist, and have dreamt of visiting the frozen continent since I was a young boy.
In 2022, I set a goal to visit both the Arctic and Antarctic, jokingly referring it to my “bears and no bears big year”. As a teacher, I noticed that both students and adults held misconceptions about the Antarctic—namely, that penguins and polar bears lived side by side. Antarctica literally means “no bears” — as polar bears are only found in Arctic biomes. Perhaps Coca-Cola is to blame? It’s my job to find out.
Early last year, I received a generous grant from my school that helped make this trip feasible, and with some strategic planning, I convinced my adventurous wife to celebrate our wedding anniversary above the Arctic Circle in Utquiagvik, Alaska, to help reach my goal of birding both ends of the earth in the same year. Promising polar bears and northern lights, she willingly agreed. I’ll be publishing content on The Birding Project blog about both ends of the Earth over the coming months. Please reach out if there’s specific things you’d like to hear more about!
Project Goals
My aim is to provide educational experiences that address common misconceptions around polar regions, and showcase the remarkable adaptations that birds have to survive in these regions. I also will share how human activity is impacting these fragile ecosystems, including highlighting how climate change is accelerating the observations scientists are making at both poles.
In 2023 I will teach a Middle School elective class: Polar Science. This class will be geared towards Middle School students, although I may offer online options for adults as well.
I’m adding a new presentation to my quiver called Birding the Ends of the Earth: Journey to the Arctic and Antarctic. This presentation will focus on the bird life in polar regions, highlighting enigmatic species and telling their stories.
There will be upcoming blog posts about the Arctic and Antarctic. Please be patient as I am teaching full-time, working on another book, editing photos, and balancing family life and birding.
To inquire about booking a talk for your local Audubon chapter or bird club, please send me an email!
“No one will protect what they don’t care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced”
By sharing these remote wilderness locales with individuals and groups through photojournalism and storytelling, I will help people learn about and experience the polar regions. From this foundation, they may care and take action to help protect these incredible places.
Myriad photographers and naturalists who visited Antarctica inspired me to dream and look for ways that I could make my first visit to the poles possible. I watched videos, scrolled through photos, website, read books, and talked with countless people, all who encouraged and supported me to follow my dream of becoming the first person in my family to make this journey. I hope to join their ranks and support others’ dreams, in hopes that they may accomplish more notable “firsts” in their own lives.
Connect people with birds and the environment using technology responsibly. For more on this, visit our citizen science page!
Antarctic Photo Gallery
Click any photo and then use the arrow keys or swipe to navigate through the best of my Antarctica photos!
Thanks for taking an interest in my photography. I’m honored to have my work displayed in your living or work space!
Paper Prints
5x7” $35
8x12” $65
11x14” $85
16x20” $115
16x24” $145
20x30” $175
24x36” $205
Canvas Wraps
8x8 $125
12x12 $165
11x14 $195
16x20 $210
18x24 $245
24x36 $275
30x40 $315
8x10” $125
10x10” $155
10x13” $185
10x20” $215
16x16” $245
16x20” $275
20x24” $305
Free shipping to anywhere in the US. I am happy to ship internationally, and can provide a shipping quote upon request. Please reach out to for inquiries.
Hard Cover Photo Book: Coming Soon
2024 Best of Antarctica Calendar: Coming Soon
Do you have a special request? I have many unpublished and unedited photos waiting to be part of your project. Please reach out- I’d love to hear your ideas and needs!